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Schools Closed- Asynchronous Learning Day/ All Activities and Athletics Cancelled 1/21/25

Bob Mathis Elementary

Dekalb County Schools

Media Center

Media Center

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Library Mission Statement

It is the mission of the Library Media Center to assist in the selection and distribution of a diverse array of materials that are openly accessible to the entire community in order to create effective communicator’s, critical thinkers, and life long learners.

Library Media Center Policies and Procedures

Library Media Center Orientation:

At the beginning of the school year, all homeroom teachers will bring their students to the library media center for an orientation prior to them checking out materials. During this orientation, the library media specialist will discuss rules, expectations, and care of materials.


Kindergarten: Students are allowed to check out one book.

First Grade: Students are allowed to check out one book and may take it home.

Second - Fifth Grade: Students are allowed to check out two books and may take them home.

E- Books can be checked out online for student usage at anytime.  We have several online databases such as Destiny, Capstone, TumbleBook Library and more!

Teachers may check out any number of books and materials unless the items have been placed on reserved or a large number of students need the same materials.

The library media center subscribes to several periodicals for teachers and students. We also subscribe to The Atlanta Journal Constitution print and online versions.

Book check out is for two weeks. If the student desires more time to read a book, the check out maybe renewed for two more weeks. Overdue notices will be provided for teachers on a weekly basis. The teachers should give this information to the students. Fines are not charged for overdue books. However, the students will not be allowed to check out additional materials until the overdue items have been returned. In the event the book is damaged or lost, the student will be responsible for paying for the book. Any lost or damaged book must be paid in cash.

Professional Library:

In our library media center, there is a professional collection that is available to all teachers and administrators in order to keep them abreast of current educational issues and trends. In addition, teachers have access to the DCSD Professional Library. For more information, about the Professional Library, please visit

Scheduling Classes:

Individual and Small Group Usage of Library Media Center

Teachers have the opportunity to send students to the Library Media Center on an individual or small group basis. If sending a small group to the library media center, teachers may send up to five students. If the group is more than five students, the teacher should schedule a time with the library media specialist to bring the entire class.

Library Media Committee:

The library media committee is composed of teachers, parents, administrators, and students. The committee will meet once a semester unless there is an emergency meeting. Our duties are to discuss and prioritize purchases that are funded by federal and state monies and decide on media materials acquisitions that will benefit the school community. Also, if any materials are challenged, the media committee is responsible for handling the concern on a school level.

If you are unable to log on, see Ms. King for the usernames and passwords for the links above. Please remember to access DCSD Launchpad for additional links. CLICK HERE